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- Vehicles are an asset and their beauty and appearance should be
- Improves trade in value (even if leased)
- Detailed vehicles provide a sense of pride and more enjoyable to drive
- Makes a great gift for any occasion
- Getting the car “details” right – from door jambs to ventilation vents to shining paint and clean leather
- Detailing involves cleaning, scrubbing, shampooing, polishing, waxing – all so your car looks as fabulous as the day you bought it!
- All vehicles’s surfaces exposed to atmospheric elements which requires regular detailing to maintain its beauty and value
- Prices vary by vehicle model to complete the job correctly and safely with the best materials needed for that model
- Leather cleansers and conditioners for high-end vehicles cost more due to the time needed to apply and remove
- Claying removes paint contamination including road grime, tar, bugs, rust, tree sap and even paint over spray
- Claying should be used once or twice a year
- Buffing removes contamination, swirls, scratches, water spots and other imperfections from the paint
- Buffing penetrates the paint where the clay does not
- Buffing used to remove light oxidation and fine scratches
- Waxing protects the paint after claying and polishing
- Wax Job negotiates the trade in on your existing vehicle as well as the price for your new vehicle whether you are leasing or financing
- Wax Job researches, makes calls, and gets the best price which ensures getting the car you want at the price you want
- Wax Job sources any appearance part for your interior and exterior at significantly reduced prices compared to dealerships and auto body shops
- Cracked taillights, scraped rims, scratched bumpers, missing emblems, and broken cosmetic parts can be sourced out on your behalf